The two data sets in this product are the Earth-located radar backscatter (sigma-0), and vector wind measurements, collocated in 25 km x 25 km wind vector cells. The selected wind vector is flagged. Backscatter measurements are provided globally over land, ice and oceans. The derived wind vector solutions (all ambiguities) and the selected wind vector are only available over oceans. The data are organized in a swath-based format, with each record consisting of a cross-track row of 48 wind vector cells (24 on each side of the satellite subtrack). Each record contain a number of variables, sigma-0's and related information, such that investigators can re-retrieve the winds using their own model function should they wish. Each file covers one NSCAT revolution and typically consists of 1624 data records. S2 to S43 are batch directories. If you have any questions or comments, please email August 29, 2007