This dataset contains in situ measurements from Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD) profiles. It provides salinity, density, temperature and sound velocity of the water column. The CTDs were deployed from a research vessel to collect each profile. Each profile is provided in a separate netCDF-4 data file, which are organized into subdirectories by the year and month of the profile's acquisition: Directory contents are as follows: 2015/ - The CTD profiles are organized into subdirectories by year of the profile's acquisition. 2015/07/ - They're further organized by month inside another group subdirectories. 2015/07/ - netCDF-4 files are named according to the convention described below. ... 2020/ - File naming convention for the CTD profile netCDF-4 files follows this format: OMG_Ocean_CTD_L2_[YYYYMMDDHHMMSS].nc; e.g., where YYYYMMDDHHMMSS==20150725071758 refers to the timestamp marking the beginning of the data acquisition for the contained profile. The dataset landing page can be found at Questions/Comments, please visit our Forum: 24 August 2020