SARAL Near-Real-Time Value-added Operational Geophysical Data Record Sea Surface Height Anomaly (XOGDR-SSHA) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: November 19, 2013 Update: October 3, 2016 (To note transition from xovers using Jason-3 instead of Jason-2) The SARAL XOGDR-SSHA is a value-added product intended to provide improved accuracy near-real-time (NRT) sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) measurements for the SARAL/AltiKa mission. It is based on the official OGDR-SSHA [1], but takes advantage of several improvements, most notably for the orbit altitude, but also for the sea-state bias and wind speed. The product is identical to the OGDR-SSHA [1], with the addition of the following fields: 1) ssha_dyn - Sea surface height anomaly computed using improved orbit altitudes that are derived from inter-satellite crossover differences with SSHA measurements from the Jason-3 GPS-OGDR-SSHA product from Cycle 102 pass 569 onward, (OSTM/Jason-2 GPS-OGDR-SSHA product before that). ssha_dyn currently also uses an improve sea state bias model (sea_state_bias_jpl) described below. The two SSHA measurements on the product, ssha_dyn and ssha, have the following two differences: ssha_dyn uses orbit altitudes from (alt_dyn - xover_corr) instead of alt. ssha_dyn uses sea state bias from sea_state_bias_jpl instead of sea_state_bias. 2) wind_speed_alt_jpl - Derived by calibrating SARAL sigma0 to that from OSTM/Jason-2. The calibrated sigma0 values are then applied to the Jason-2 wind speed model from Collard to obtain the altimeter wind speed. 3) sea_state_bias_jpl - A 4-parameter model derived from inter-satellite SSHA crossover differences with OSTM/Jason-2, and depending on significant wave height (swh) and the calibrated wind speed (wind_speed_alt_jpl). This sea state bias model therefore also includes a representation of the inter-satellite SSHA bias with respect to OSTM/Jason-2. This has not been updated for Jason-3, since the crossover orbit adjustment implicitly levels the SARAL product to the Jason-3 GPS-OGDR from cycle 102 pass 569 onward. 4) alt_dyn - Dynamic fit to DORIS-DIODE orbit. 5) xover_corr - Cross-over based correction to alt_dyn. alt_dyn and xover_corr provide the orbit altitude that is used to generate ssha_dyn. Together, the SARAL XOGDR-SSHA (ssha_dyn) and Jason-3 (or Jason-2) GPS-OGDR-SSHA (gps_ssha) products provide high accuracy NRT SSHA measurements from the two missions that have already been leveled to each other. This leveling leverages the 1-cm accurate GPS-based NRT orbits for Jason-3 (and Jason-2) [2,3], and is accomplished through the use of inter-satellite SSHA crossover differences betweeh the SARAL and Jason-3 NRT measurements to derived improved accuracy orbit altitudes for SARAL. The SARAL XOGDR-SSHA product is available with a typical latency of 7-9 hours from the last available measurement on each data file, and the orbit altitude used to generate ssha_dyn has accuracies of approximately 1.5 cm (RMS). The XOGDR-SSHA product is available at: The SARAL XOGDR-SSHA product is a value-added research-grade product that is generated on a best efforts basis by the Near-Earth-Tracking Applications group at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. More details on the SARAL XOGDR-SSHA product are provided in Ref. [4]. As always, we are grateful to our CNES colleagues for providing us with near-real-time access to the various data inputs needed to generate the SARAL XOGDR-SSHA. Additional information on the SARAL mission can be found at the CNES/AVISO web site: Please refer questions or comments to: Shailen Desai ( Bruce Haines ( [1] [2] Desai, S., and B. Haines, Marine Geodesy 33(S1), 419,434, 2010. [3] Haines et al., J Astronaut. Sci. 58(3), 445-459, 2011 [4] Sources of data on the SARAL XOGDR-SSHA product ----------------------------------------------- The SARAL XOGDR-SSHA product is generated from: 1) The official project Operational Geophysical Data Record (OGDR) and DORIS-DIODE orbit ephemerides. 2) Orbit altitudes derived from SSHA crossover differences with measurements on the NRT Jason-3 (and OSTM/Jason-2) GPS-OGDR-SSHA product. This implicitly levels ssha_dyn, from the SARAL XOGDR-SSHA product, and gps_ssha, from the Jason-3 (OSTM/Jason-2) GPS-OGDR-SSHA product.